Māris Neikšāns has taken part in various rally raid events, including the 2016 FIA Cross Country Rally World Cup first round Baja Russia – Northern Forest, and understands the essence of this type of racing, as well as the driving elements needed to thrive in it. One thing is for sure – it will be very difficult to be fast in rally raid without a good base of rally driving skills. This has also been the thought process for multiple top Russian rally raid drivers, including the three time Russian champion Ruslan Misikov, as well as the world’s most accomplished rally raid team, KAMAZ MASTER, drivers Ayrat Mardeev (2015 Rally Dakar winner), Eduard Nikolaev, Anton Shibalov, Sergey Kupriyanov, Andrey Karginov and Dmitriy Sotnikov. The rally raid programme puts less of a focus on writing and understanding pacenotes, and instead is centred on improving the various driving elements and the ability to react in unexpected situations. During the training process, we use longer stages, which help in working on concentration for long periods of time. This is extremely important in rally raid special stages, as they can be hundreds of kilometres long. Racing school coaching is available with either a personal race car, or one of the Neiksans Rally Sport race or practice cars.